Mathi Milk food is driven by the passion of collecting and providing quality of dairy products . We collecting large quality of milk from the farmers , by using high technology method . Modern and well established scientific principles ,practices and skills should be used to obtain maximum economic benefits from dairy farming. Some of the major norms and recomondationtions are: Care full selection of animals, feeding of animals,milking of animals
Dairy Development:
Dairy development in India has been acknowledged the world over as one of modern India"s most sucessful development programme. India is the second largest milk producing country with anticipated production of about 78 million tons during 1999- 2000. The production of milk products stoood at 3.07 lakh tonnes in 1999-2000 . Production ofmilk powder including infant milk food has risen to 2.25 lakh tons in 1999-2000, whereas that of malted food is at 65000 tons. Off late market for milk products is showing a steady increase.